Current News & Events
National Disaster Preparedness Day 2025 Observed in Bhola, Bangladesh National Disaster Preparedness Day 2025 Observed in Bhola, Bangladesh
Posted on: March 12, 2025, 10:36 am

Disaster awareness and preparedness are essential components of disaster risk management, focusing on measures to prepare for and mitigate the effects of disasters while predicting and preventing them... Disaster awareness and preparedness are essential components of disaster risk management, focusing on measures to prepare for and mitigate the effects of disasters while predicting and preventing them where possible. Given Bangladesh's vulnerability to natural disasters, the country has been observing National Disaster Preparedness Day (NDPD) annually since 1997. Every year, March 10 is marked as National Disaster Preparedness Day to raise awareness and motivate people to manage disasters effectively. The theme for NDPD this year was: “Durable Forecast Preparation – Saving Lives, Reducing Losses.” To promote disaster preparedness, the Bangladesh government, in collaboration with various NGOs, has undertaken numerous initiatives aimed at building a disaster-resilient community. Observance of NDPD in Bhola In Bhola, the Shushilan family members observed the day in coordination with the district and upazila administration. The event was marked by rallies, discussion meetings, and firefighting demonstrations organized by the district administration and disaster management department. The day's activities began with a colorful rally at 10:00 a.m. from the Deputy Commissioner’s office, passing through various roads in Bhola. The rally was led by Deputy Commissioner Md. Azad Jahan. To highlight urban disaster risk reduction, the Fire Service and Civil Defense Department conducted a disaster response mock drill, demonstrating the role of first responders and urban volunteers in emergency situations. A discussion meeting followed at the Deputy Commissioner’s conference room, chaired by Md. Mizanur Rahman, Deputy Director of Local Government. As part of the event, T-shirts and caps were distributed to participants, funded by government departments and several NGOs, including Shushilan. Team members from Shushilan-Bhola, Charfashion, and Lalmohon actively participated in all activities alongside government officials and other NGOs. This observance reinforced the importance of disaster preparedness and community resilience, encouraging collective efforts to minimize disaster risks and protect lives. Read More
A Day of Learning, Collaboration, and Inspiration (Shushilan’s Chief Executive and Senior Official... A Day of Learning, Collaboration, and Inspiration (Shushilan’s Chief Executive and Senior Officials Visits SBC Sylhet Project Activities to Observe Community Initiatives.) Read More
Posted on: March 3, 2025, 3:07 pm

On 23 February 2025, Shushilan’s Chief Executive, Upokul Bondhu Mostafa Nuruzzaman, led a high-level delegation, including Sherina Akther, Deputy Director, and GM Moniruzzaman, Deputy Director – P... On 23 February 2025, Shushilan’s Chief Executive, Upokul Bondhu Mostafa Nuruzzaman, led a high-level delegation, including Sherina Akther, Deputy Director, and GM Moniruzzaman, Deputy Director – Program, to visit the SBC Sylhet project area. The visit aimed to observe community-based initiatives promoting behavioral change and assess the project's impact on child protection, child marriage prevention, awareness of national hotline numbers, nutrition, hygiene, and violence against children (VAC). The team visited Hazi Mohammad Shafiq High School and Doldoli Tea Garden, where Interactive Popular Theater (IPT) performances and Community Dialogues addressed key SBC issues. Children, school authorities, community leaders, and project stakeholders actively participated. At Hazi Mohammad Shafiq High School, students and the head teacher welcomed the team with flowers. Then, Mr. Md. Alamgir Mia, Project Coordinator, greeted the guests, introduced the SBC Sylhet Project, and urged the Chief Executive to expand initiatives in Sylhet. Head Teacher Sheikh Shafiqul Islam appreciated Shushilan’s efforts in promoting 23 key behaviors and improving students' awareness of nutrition, child marriage, health, and hygiene. A student, Ms. Saifa Alam Tanha, shared her experience of identifying a malnourished child and guiding the family to seek medical help. Mr. Mostafa Nuruzzaman (Upokul Bondhu) expressed his gratitude to the audience and emphasized that education should go beyond textbooks and classrooms, he encouraging students to adopt positive behaviors. One student requested him to recite a poem. In response, he captivated the audience with a heartfelt recitation of Rabindranath Tagore’s Two Bigha Jomi, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. At Doldoli Tea Garden, the team was welcomed with flowers and a traditional Dhamail song. The Chief Executive then engaged in discussions on community challenges. Panel Chairman Abul Kashem Chowdhury Khaled highlighted the struggles of the tea garden community and requested Shushilan’s continued support. Peer leader Reshma Begum shared her role in preventing child marriage and invited the Chief Executive to visit again. Mr. Nuruzzaman acknowledged the community’s hospitality and commitment to change. A community member shared their ancestral heritage from Orissa, India. The Chief Executive reiterated Shushilan’s dedication to supporting Sylhet, particularly tea garden communities, subject to funding availability. During the visit, Mr. Nuruzzaman also met with Ms. Kazi Dil Afroza Islam, Head of the UNICEF Sylhet Field Office. They discussed ongoing activities, collaboration opportunities, and future priorities. Additionally, he visited the SBC Sylhet office, where he reviewed project progress, achievements, and challenges with the SBC team. He provided important guidance to strengthen the team’s efforts in achieving project goals. The visit reinforced Shushilan’s commitment to fostering social and behavioral change through interactive community engagement. Insights gathered from the discussions will inform future program planning, with a particular focus on expanding interventions in underserved areas, including Sylhet’s tea garden communities. Shushilan remains dedicated to empowering communities through education, advocacy, and participatory approaches, ensuring sustainable and long-term development outcomes. Read More
Enhancing Capacity & Progress: Bi-Monthly Review Meeting of SBC Programme in Bhola Enhancing Capacity & Progress: Bi-Monthly Review Meeting of SBC Programme in Bhola
Posted on: March 2, 2025, 1:47 pm

The bi-monthly review meeting & capacity building session for the project staff of the “Social & Behavior Change Programme for promoting Maternal, Children & Adolescents Well- being” project was h... The bi-monthly review meeting & capacity building session for the project staff of the “Social & Behavior Change Programme for promoting Maternal, Children & Adolescents Well- being” project was held on the 25 February, 2025 at the conference room of the Civil Surgeon Office, Bhola. A review meeting is necessary to evaluate progress on a project or initiative, identify potential obstacles, foster team collaboration, align strategies with organizational goals, and enable informed decision-making by openly discussing accomplishments, areas for improvement, and next steps; essentially, it serves as a crucial checkpoint to ensure a project is on track and address any issues proactively. The meeting was begun with the national & Shushilan anthem. The Deputy Director- Sherina Akther announced the inauguration of the day- long programme through online. Participant’s exceptions from the meeting were verified at the beginning. Then a knowledge assessment test of the project staff was taken. The project officers of Bhola Sadar & Lalmohon- Palash Morol & Sarah Lisa Khan respectively shared an update of project activities, results, challenges & some success stories through power point presentation. An extended session on the module prepared for the project staff was facilitated by the project coordinator & training & monitoring officer. A team conducted a demo session on intergenerational dialogue. One of the major objectives of this meeting was to enhance the capacity of the project staff on the interventions of the project and so; sessions on- intergenerational dialogue, mapping, PSEA, child protection & financial management were conducted by the SBC Officer of UNICEF, Barishal- Sanjit Kumar Das, project coordinator- Rekha Yesmin, training & monitoring officer- Sajib Rahman & finance & admin officer- Moslehuddin Ahmed. To make the day- long programme lively, cultural event was organized by the project staff which enchanted all the participants including the UNICEF representative. These gatherings aim to drive accountability, enhance transparency, and enable informed decision-making, ultimately contributing to overall efficiency and improved performance. The SBC Officer from UNICEF Barishal conveyed his sincere thanks for the dedication & good deeds of the project team. At the same time, he asked everyone for more result oriented performance which will bring positive changes for the mother & children of Bhola district. Read More
SBC- Bhola team observed 21 February with due dignity & solemnity SBC- Bhola team observed 21 February with due dignity & solemnity
Posted on: March 2, 2025, 1:41 pm

February 21st is International Mother Language Day and a national holiday in Bangladesh called Language Movement Day or Martyr's Day. It's celebrated to honor the Bengali language movement and its mar... February 21st is International Mother Language Day and a national holiday in Bangladesh called Language Movement Day or Martyr's Day. It's celebrated to honor the Bengali language movement and its martyrs. The day is marked with the martyrdom of valiant sons of Bangladesh for establishing Bangla as the state language of the then East Pakistan (present Bangladesh). This is one and only sacrifice of lives for the sake of the Mother Language in the history of mankind. On this significance of the day, UNESCO declared 21st February as the International Mother Language Day to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. To observe the day, the people of the world in a barefoot walk to the Martyrs' Memorials to pay homage to the martyrs with flowers wearing traditional dress and singing songs. Like every year this year too, the people of Bangladesh observe the day with resect & due solemnity. Initiatives were taken by the Bhola district administration to observe the day. Shushilan employees celebrated the day by being involved in all activities of Bhola district & Upazilas administration. Notable among the activities were the laying of wreaths at the Shahid Minar of Bhola district & it’s Upazilas at midnight, book fair, discussion meetings & cultural programs. Read More
SBC- Charfashion team brings smile to the faces of the people of remote areas of Bhola SBC- Charfashion team brings smile to the faces of the people of remote areas of Bhola
Posted on: March 2, 2025, 1:23 pm

The SBC team of Shushilan always maintaining proper communication & coordination with the district & Upazila administration along with the different govt. officials. Coordination can help improve the ... The SBC team of Shushilan always maintaining proper communication & coordination with the district & Upazila administration along with the different govt. officials. Coordination can help improve the efficiency of government services, reduce duplication of work, and increase the impact of programme. It can improve service delivery by identifying bottlenecks and designing new ways to address challenges, reduce costs by pooling resources and sharing knowledge & reduce risk by working together to identify and mitigate risk. The Project Officer of SBC- Charfashion Jagannath Ray has been selected as the NGO Coordinator of Charfashion Upazila by the Upazila Nirbahi Officer. As the Shushilan team is delivering service towards the entire Charfashion Upazila through SBC project, they identified the miseries of the people of Dhalchar, Mujibnagor & Char Kukri- Mukri. In winter, the new born children suffer from pneumonia due to lack of warm clothes & many children die. Elderly people in these char areas get sick from cold & many die. Pregnant mothers also suffer from various problems related to cold during child birth. Dwellers in this region struggle to get two meals a day & they can’t even think about buying new warm clothes. Natural calamities and lack of employment are two of the main factors holding char people back from participating in mainstream life. These two factors are also hindering their chances of a better livelihood, education, sanitation, and healthcare. Observing all the sufferings, the project officer of Shushilan communicates with the UNO- Charfashion & requested her to allocate some blankets from the govt. reservation. The UNO agreed & gave the Project Officer of Shushilan responsibility for distributing 150 blankets among the most disadvantages & marginalized people of these Char. Getting the blankets to the remote areas was the most risky & difficult task but the team of Shushilan rushed to the most remote places of these Char, prepared list & distributed the blankets among the poor pregnant, lactating women, disable people, elderly people with the presence of the Union Chairman, influential people of the community, health worker & teachers. The project Coordinator of SBC- Bhola was also present during distribution. This effort of SBC- Charfashion brings smile on the faces of the most vulnerable & disadvantages people. They told that this was incredibly what they need. They appreciated for the generosity of Shushilan. They also believe that a blanket can save the life of a man including a pregnant mother, an infant or an elderly person. Read More
A new window for women to address climate change impact on them A new window for women to address climate change impact on them
Posted on: February 19, 2025, 12:58 pm

The project Officer Yasmin Jahan of SBC- Borhundddin has been enrolled in the Gender Equality and Climate Alliance (GECA) committee & got an opportunity to attend the national level conference titled ... The project Officer Yasmin Jahan of SBC- Borhundddin has been enrolled in the Gender Equality and Climate Alliance (GECA) committee & got an opportunity to attend the national level conference titled “Women leading the way; influencing policy& collaborating on climate”. The Gender Equality and Climate Alliance-Bangladesh recognizes that climate change disproportionately impacts women in Bangladesh. They commonly face higher risks and greater burdens from the impacts of climate change. They are more likely to be economically dependent than men and have less access to education and information that would allow them to manage climate-related risks to agriculture and livestock. Women make up the majority of the world's poor population. They are the key climate actors and manage certain types of climate-adaptive livestock, crop and livelihood diversification, food storage and processing practices, informal seed systems, and networks. The GECA advocates addressing these gendered impacts of climate change by promoting gender-responsive policies and programs at the national and local levels. The GECA began its journey in April 2023 with a virtual dialogue involving organizations and networks at both national and local levels. Since its inception, GECA has organized various activities, including workshops and formation meetings of grassroots committees across 13 districts and upazilas from Bangladesh's floodplain, haor, coast, and hill regions. MJF has been serving as the secretariat for GECA. Following this, a GECA conference organized in Dhaka on 16 February, 2025with a view to creating an ample opportunity to introduce the alliance at the national level, hear from the grassroots forums, advocate for gender-responsive climate policies and programs, and create an opportunity for collaborative climate actions. The objectives of the conference of the Gender Equality and Climate Alliance - Bangladesh are to: • Facilitating Engagement Between Grassroots and National Representatives of the Gender Equality and Climate Alliance-Bangladesh • Amplify unheard voices by empowering grassroots forums where women leaders share their stories, climate actions, and challenges. • Strengthen collaboration between grassroots and national climate actors to promote inclusive climate action, gender equality, and economic opportunities while empowering climate-vulnerable women as leaders in resilience efforts. The honorable guest were Sharmeen s. Murshid Hon. Advisor Ministry of Women & child affairs, representative from Embassy of Sweeden, representative from Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, representatives from EU. This day-long event has opened an opportunity for interaction, interpersonal sharing, and collaborative actions to promote gender equality and climate-resilient initiatives at the grassroots to national levels. It will also help climate actors collate insights for policy suggestions and shape implementation strategies and actions. Read More