Address: Shushilan, House # 155, KDA Jalil Sharoni, Commercial cum Residential Area, Rayermohol, Boyra, Khulna 9000, Bangladesh.

Research Related Project List of Shushilan

Sl. No. Name of Project/Program Funded by Budget
Project period
01 Community water management for improved food security, nutrition and livelihood in the polders of the coastal zone of Bangladesh IWMI 25410000. 20th April 2015 to 31 August’2015
02 Base line survey on Community Water Management from a Micro Level Perspective (AAS Khulna Hub) IWMI 20,250 USD 31st July 2015 to 31st December 2015
03 Community Water Management from a Micro Level Perspective (AAS Khulna Hub) IWMI 35000USD 25th March 2015 to 31th December 2015
04 Mud Crab (Scylla serata) Culture Process: A Livelihood Diversity of Mud Crab (Scylla serata) Fatteners in the South West Coastal Region of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institiute (BRFI) 1,000,000 1st July 2013 to 30th June 2014
05 Research On Aquatic agriculture system (AAS) CRP 1.3 Participatory Action Research (PAR) in Polder 43/2F in AmtoliUpazila under Barguna District and Polder 30 inBotiaghataupazila under Khulna District Worldfish 2500000 1st Jan 2015 to 31 Dec 2015
06 Aquatic Agricultural System WorldFish/ ICLARM 12,00,000 7th July 2014 to 31st December 2014
07 Conduction & developing Disaster Management Plan for Union, Upazila, Municipality, City Corporation and District Disaster Management Committee, under the activity 4 for Chittagong 1 Upazila (Mirshrai) CDMP 3,75,000 25th September 2013 to 24th July 2013
08 Conduction & developing Disaster Management Plan for Union, Upazila, Municipality, City Corporation and District Disaster Management Committee, under the activity 4 for Naogaon District & 5 Upazilas (Sapahar, Dhomoirhat, Mohadevpur, Nanda and Badalgachi) CDMP 21,25,000 25th September 2013 to 24th July 2013
09 Conduction & developing Disaster Management Plan for Union, Upazila, Municipality, City Corporation and District Disaster Management Committee, under the activity 4 for Patuakhali 3 Upazilas (Bauful, Dashmina and Golachipa) CDMP 11,25,000 25th September 2013 to 24th July 2013
10 Conduction & developing Disaster Management Plan for Union, Upazila, Municipality, City Corporation and District Disaster Management Committee, under the activity 4 for Rajshahi Disteict & 4 Upazilas(Charghat, Bagha, Godaghari and Paba) CDMP 1,750,000 25th September 2013 to 24th July 2013
11 Conduction & developing Disaster Management Plan for Union, Upazila, Municipality, City Corporation and District Disaster Management Committee, under the activity 4 for Bagerhat District CDMP 250,000 25th September 2013 to 24th July 2013
12 Community Water Management from a micro level perspective, AAS Khulan hub IWMI 8,50,000 1st July 2013 to 30th June 2014
13 Adaptation to Progressive Climate Change. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM) World Fish. 65,96,400 14th December 2012to15th December 2013
14 Increasing the resilience of agricultural and Aquaculture systems in the coastal areas of the Ganges Delta: project G3:Water,Governance and community based management IWMI/CGIAR 23,98,440 30st December 2012 to 15th May 2013
15 Increasing the resilience of agricultural and Aquaculture systems in the coastal areas of the Ganges Delta: project G3:Water,Governance and community based management IWMI 69948 USD 16thJanuary 2012 to 21st December 2012
16 Domestic Response to Humanitarian Crisis in Bangladesh Development Initiatives 35,57,811.00 10 January’ to 31 May’ 2010
17 Research project on “The voiceless rustic women’s migration in the slums of the city and town of Bangladesh: Causes and Remedies” Planning Commission 2,00,000 1st April to 1st October, 2010
18 Rain water harvesting in a low cost method PEER Japan October 2008
19 Community Risk Assessment in Barguna District Shushilan & CDMP July 2008
20 Community Risk Assessment in Sunamgonj District Shushilan & CDMP August 2007
21 Environment and Rural Livelihoods: A reflection on changes of livelihood and ecological degradation in Shyamnagar, Satkhira Shushilan and Concern May 2007
22 Contingency Plan for Disaster Management under Shushilan-Concern Partnership project Shushilan January 2007
23 Community Risk Assessment in Satkhira District Shushilan & CDMP June 2006
24 Base line survey under IAEAJVC project Shushilan & EC May 2006
25 A study on livelihood of the women headed families in southwestern coastal region close to Sundarban of Bangladesh: A research paper for postgraduate diploma in development planning by Mustafa Bakuluzzaman Sponsored by Shushilan February 2006
26 Vulnerability Context Study under RVCC project CARE and Shushilan September 2005
27 Life and environment: The livelihoods trend analysis of Kaliganj Thana of Satkhira district from ecological perspective Shushilan and Concern October 2003
28 Group profile and livelihood status analysis Shushilan September 2002
29 Study on Rice and Livelihood in the Diversifying Economy of Bangladesh PETRRA Subproject RP 14 with Collaboration of NRI, UK BRRI, HEED, BARD, Shushilan December 2001